
Mr. Elephant, You Are It!

Product Description

Do you know what an elephant is like? It’s big, fat, grey, and has big ears. This elephant likes to play hide-and-seek with his friends. But where can this elephanty elephant hide? Behind a tree? Behind his ears? Can you find him every time?

The picture book Mr. Elephant, You Are It! is sort of a sequel to Do Not Think About the Elephant! While the first book challenged the reader not to think about an elephant, the challenge in the second is to seek out the elephant. The elephant finds quite a few more or less wacky, variably successful hiding places, ending up in one you definitely would not think of!

Mr. Elephant, You Are It! is a book children can play with, encouraging them to actively look, seek and cooperate.

Author Nina Mav Hrovat
Illustrator Ivan Mitrevski
GenreSlikanica, Igroknjiga
Recommended age3
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